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BSC Advisor Now Available!

This quarter’s BSC Advisor takes a look at how sales proposals, that fail to take into account the difficulties facing customer evaluation teams, are sales proposals that don’t get read.

This article teaches you five of those difficulties so you can craft your next sales proposal to make sure it gets the attention it deserves.

The […]

December 2nd, 2016|

Are Your Cleaning Products, Safe, Healthy, and Effective?

Your choice of cleaning products is vast.  When was the last time you evaluated your choices to see if they are safe, healthy, and effective?

Click here to download a sheet to help you analyze your current products and any future products you are considering.

If you are looking for safe, healthy, and effective products, consider […]

October 11th, 2016|

Why are my Floors Sticky?

Do you have sticky floors, especially in your restrooms?  How can you correct this?

Click here to see what you can do!

Then call New System for help!!!

October 11th, 2016|

The Ugly Truth!

Mops give bacteria a free ride.
Within one week a mop grows a bacterial population of millions.
You are better off not cleaning than cleaning improperly.
Even if a mop feels dry on the outside, it is likely still moist and harboring bacteria on the inside.
Mops are more likely to spread contaminants than remove them.

What is the […]

October 6th, 2016|

Three Tips: Cleaning to Prevent Flu

Flu season is here.  What are you able to do to prevent the spread of flu virus in your facility?

Click here to see a short article with helpful information from Kaivac.

October 6th, 2016|

Cleaning Terms Every Professional Should Know

Reading labels in professional cleaning is imperative, not only for the user’s health, but to protect the health of people and the planet. And some of the most important labels to read are those on disinfectants.  Click Here to read an informative article from Cleanlink News with helpful information from Kaivac!

October 5th, 2016|

Get sick from washing your hands?

Is it really possible to get sick from washing your hands?  If so how?

Watch this video to find out!

September 19th, 2016|

BSC Advisor

The Q3 version of our BSC Advisor is now available.  Click here to obtain your copy!

September 13th, 2016|

Keep Students Healthy!

What can we do to keep students in our schools healthy?  What are the most common reasons for absenteeism?

The Healthy Schools Campaign outlines five of the top reasons students are absent.  Some of these will be lessened when attention is paid to products and procedures used in cleaning!  Check out the article:




September 7th, 2016|

Extend Your Equipment’s Battery Life!

Caring for batteries in cleaning equipment is often overlooked.  Here are some suggestions from an article published in Sanitary Maintenance magazine that will help extend the life of your wet-cell batteries.  If you have trouble caring for wet-cell batteries you may want to try AGM maintenance-free batteries.  We at New System, highly recommend them […]

July 18th, 2016|